Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's On Our Christmas Table?

us at the dinner table

Our 2012 Noche Buena celebration has been quite different from our past Christmas get-togethers. For one, we celebrated the night away from home and into the house of my aunt, currently struggling from the Big C. We all decided to give her some our time and spend this special holiday and bring more happiness into their home.

Aside from social support, the fun get-togethers around a bountiful table can surely make someone smile. As any traditional Filipino family, we spent the whole morning and afternoon preparing some of our trade food secrets to serve for the much awaited Noche Buena.

Food on the table...
my marinated barbeque (recipe here)

mom's baked spaghetti (recipe here)

Goldilocks Cake

homemade carrot cake

hot chocolate tablea drink

We also prepared mango float, ham, apple pies, biko rice cake, plus of course fruits and some bottles of red wine :) After a long night of food fest and making chikkas, we capped the night off with sweet humms of carols for our dear aunt Lily. 

the awesome 4!

Morning came and with few more guests, we added the pricey lechon on the table. Man after so many years, I finally bid goodbye to the cheap lechon bread and had the real one at last!

Aside from this crispy and pricey lechon topped with a cholesterol warning for every high blood foodie, I realized there are plenty of homecooked dishes and desserts on the table. Wow, I'm getting to know more and more home chefs out there. Christmas parties are silent killers if one doesn't have the control once's food intake, let us all be mindful that it's a matter of balancing your meal. A lechon per se is ok, just know when to stop sucking that crispy skin we all love!

Cheers to a healthy 2013!!!!

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