Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hayts Steyk Hauz Delicious Garlic Chicken

Have you ever been addicted to garlic chicken? Me? I have this undying love for chicken ever since I learned to open my mouth! It just grows in me...and right now, I am having this crave for garlic chicken...especially the one prepared from my aunts steakhouse in General Santos City - the garlic chicken of Hayts Steyk Hauz.

General Santos' Hayts Steyk House Garlic Chicken
Their chicken is very much different from the usual plain and dry - Hayts Steyk Hauz has this tasty sauce poured over the hot chicken. I can't be sure of their "secret ingredient" but it sure tastes heaven! How about you, what's your best ever tasted garlic chicken?


  1. haha...sana ishare sakin ni auntie ang kanilang secret sa garlic chicken nato!!!
