Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recipe: Chicken Breasts with Dill and Calamansi Pan Sauce

I read this recipe from a friend's recipe book. I just substituted some ingredients like using chicken breast instead of drumstick, potato instead of carrots and calamansi instead of lemon. It's my first try cooking with dill so this is a special experiment. We have dill in the garden and it took me quite some time to actually incorporate the herb because I wasn't really familiar with its taste and Filipino households nor cooking shows doesn't regularly use dill. Thyme and basil are two of my favorites but now having tried this recipe and actually liked dill, expect to see more recipes with fresh dill. It gives its own distinct flavor, I could hardly compare it with other herb. It worked well with this chicken recipe but I guess it also works well with fish and seafood sauces. Here goes the recipe:

4 boneless and skinless chicken breast, cut into halves
3 tbsp chopped dill
1 large potato, peeled and sliced
1 small onion, finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 chicken cube
2 tbsp butter
calamansi juice, 3 tbsp
2 tbsp flour, dissolved with water

Cooking Instruction:
1. Heat 2 tbsp butter in saucepan. Add chicken breasts one at a time til lightly brown and remove to a plate.
2. Add onion and saute for a minute.Stir in chopped dill and add calamansi juice.
3. Return chicken breasts and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add potatoes.
4. Add 2 cups water and 1 chicken cube. Bring to a simmer.
5. Turn down heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes til tender. 
6. Remove chicken breasts and potatoes and arrange on platter.
7. Add dissolved flour and stir into juice in the pan. Stir until it boils and thickens. 
8. Pour over chicken and carrots. Garnish with chopped fresh dill.

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