Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Filipinos love Siomai House

For just a cheap Php25, one can happily indulge in this all time Pinoy favorite - 4 pieces of siomai with chilli at Siomai House! Okay, this dish may have originated from the Chinese but we Filipinos have greatly embraced this dish long before siomai franchises became popular.

Siomai House's serving which can be eaten solo as a  snack or with rice to make a full meal is enough to satisfy a hungry stomach. Aside from affordability, another reason why Filipinos love Siomai House is its feasibility, you can see it almost everywhere from malls to schools to even train stations. It's tasty and a good substitute for that quick meal for the busy you. And what better way to show Filipinos love for this yummy treat? Just check out their kiosks and let the long lines be the evidence. 

siomai from Siomai House


  1. you've said it well :) our family loves siomai house too!

  2. This is my all-time favorite siomai especially their chili garlic oil!!! I can eat 12pcs of them all in one sitting. I used to buy take home 24 pcs going back home from school few years ago. Kakamiss!
