Friday, August 27, 2010

Chicken and Pork Adobo with Basil

To kick start my first blog entry, I want to share with you a recipe closest to my heart. I’m serious about this blog therefore I want my first post to be extra special – with this in mind, let me share with you my ultimate super special recipe. Frankly, this is just how far I could cook for now, but trust me, this is vavavooom delicious! Yey! I’m so excited to share my recipe, I’m proud of it because this is one great dish that makes my younger brothers and sisters proud of me. Lol :)

pork adobo with basil
Now I know what you guys are thinking, basil for an adobo dish? Yup, that’s the secret ingredient behind this recipe. Laurel leaves may be the usual herb that we use but ever since I tried using basil, I just can’t get enough of it. I got the idea from a cousin who like me loves eating pesto and adobo. And like me, she’s not really into the “cooking stuff”. Anyway, she have me tried her adobo and wholla, I have since used that idea of combining basil into my adobo.

Half kilo of Chicken (cut into pieces)
Half kilo of Pork (cut in cubes)
Dried Basil (McCormick)
Brown Sugar
Half cup Vinegar
Half cup Soy Sauce
1 head Garlic, crushed
2 cups of Water
Marinated chicken adobo with basil
Marinate all the ingredients except for water (at least for an hour). Mix the marinated mixture with water, let it boil and simmer until chicken and pork is tender. Ready to serve!


  1. will try this for my birthday!

  2. Just wanted to ask how much brown sugar do you usually put in this recipe. Thanks! :-)

  3. Actually, i was just cooking plain adobo and i mistakenly thought i picked up laurel leaves cause everything in the kitchen was mislabeled.. so i googled if basil leaves were ok in adobo.. so i found this page.. and yes, its good.. however i used a lil bit of sukang basi and daisy butter to sautee the garlic, ginger and onions
