Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Recipe: Pan Seared Butter-Garlic Tanigue

This is my first time to cook Pan Seared Butter-Garlic Tanigue recipe inspired from another recipe website. My dad bought home half a kilo of Tanigue and he (as always) asked me to cook. Not wanting to prepare another same old boring fried tanigue, I scouted the net for some refreshing tanigue recipe and I simply followed the instructions.
Pan Seared Butter Garlic Tanigue
olive oil
garlic, minced
liquid seasoning

1. Season the fish with salt, pepper, calamansi and liquid seasoning. Set aside.
2. Heat olive oil in a pan.
3. Toast the minced garlic until slightly brown.
4. Pan sear the tanigue about 3-5 minutes on each side depending on your preferred done-ness and thickness of the fish. Cover to trap the heat.
5. Add butter
6. Place the tanigue in a serving plate and pour the remaining garlic-butter-oil mixture on top.

my second attempt on making Buttered Tanigue

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